
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas: Less is More Decor For This Girl

Merry Christmas!!!

Only one day!  I can't believe how this month has flown by, but I vowed last year, that this year, I was going to cut back on my decorating to focus on what's most important this time of year. I want my children to have memories of celebrating Christmas, because it is Christ's Birthday.  I don't want their memories to be of mom decorating three 9-foot, fake trees, trillions of lights and garlands, stressing over entertaining, and grumbling.  
I want them to realize that Christ was born on Christmas.  That's it. Plain and simple.  (I'd also like to throw in a dash of "actually enjoying time together" too!)

We have been busy having fun! Last weekend was cookie-baking-day at my sister's.  (Actually, all of our boys and my little lady were there too!) Here's my three favorite girls : My mom, sister, and daughter.

We got our first real tree in 8 years, because I insisted.

As far as my decorating this year, I've scaled way, way back.  I pulled out all the bins and categorized by color.

Gold-ish for the living room 

Red and Silver in the Dining Room

A Country Kitchen

...and a fun Family Room


...but my favorite decorations are the ones with made by favorite DIY-ers!

Have a Wonderful Christmas!